Wednesday, March 27, 2019


The secret is out! and times have changed!

Definitely not new, so we’ll say there’s new focus on and many are now paying attention to or have come to “NEW” realization of the underlining issues surrounding the subject of MENTAL HEALTH.

Seems strange that it’s taken so long to expose it since at least 4 out of 5 people that YOU and I know suffer from MENTAL HEALTH associated issues. There’s been a stigma HOVERING over this issue Primarily in ETHNIC communities. It
was hidden by those affected by it and although some acknowledged, often they and their families were simply in denial.  Instead of seeking help, folks suppress and mask pretending “there is nothing wrong with me” or band aiding.

REALITY is, not one of us can say we’ve NOT experienced some type of trauma in our life that left us devastated to a point of feeling UNLIKE ourselves.   Life’s events sometimes sidetrack us to points we feel like there is NO return from and what’s an even more UNFORTUNATE reality is, that many are SILENT about it.

Whether a lack of assurance, a lack of acceptance, or even just plain old pride we may not seek help.
Mental health is REAL and if we suffer, the First and ONLY way to help is to ADMIT there is a problem. It doesn’t make you any less of a person and it CERTAINLY DOES NOT make one weak to pursue assistance!
It actually shows an Extreme Measure of STRENGTH to be able to admit that something is just not right.

If you were suffering from the flu you’d scram to the nearest doctor, so you could hurry and physically recover so be Expeditious, “DON’T neglect your mental health.  “DON’T hide or pretend for the sake of others”? “DON’T be afraid of what people will say if you speak up and OUT for you?

If you are surrounded by TRUE friends and loved ones, the only thing stopping you from recognizing THAT there is a problem and that there is HELP for healing, is YOU.

“DON’T hold yourself back from YOU! 

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